What is Echolalia? Does it Serve a Purpose?

Many individuals on the autism spectrum use echolalia, which is the repetition of another’s speech that occurs either immediately, or even later, after the original production.  According to Barry Prizant (1987) echolalia is characteristic of least 85% of children with autism who acquire speech.  Though it has been suggested that this verbal behavior should be…


Autism Awareness is Important! Contact Your Legislators!

Autism Awareness is Important!  Contact Your legislators! April, which is Autism Awareness Month, is almost upon us!   As a practice comprised of pediatric therapists who evaluate and treat many children on the autism spectrum, Speech & Occupational Therapy of North Texas is grateful for national recognition of this developmental disability. It is important that our…


Do Toddler Language Skills Impact Social and Emotional Development? Absolutely!

Do Toddler Language Skills impact Social & Emotional Development? Absolutely! We all know that language development in young children is important.  Observing a prelinguistic communications, like waving bye-bye, or pointing to a toy, much like witnessing the first step, are treasured milestones.  As parents we know intuitively that these actions mean our child is thinking about…
